Houston Genealogical Forum Image: Rotator Sample File
Research Globally - Learn Locally

HGF 2025 Membership

The support of our HGF members for 2024 has enabled us to present monthly meetings with presentations by top genealogists, door prizes, and refreshments for our in-person attendees and other activities that you have enjoyed and learned from.  As we begin 2025, we invite our current members to renew their membership and encourage everyone else who has appreciated our presentations to become a member.  Our annual membership fee remains as it has been since 2019 -  $25.00/yr for individuals and $35.00 for families. Some of the immediate benefits of membership include:
  • Speaker Handouts - We expect to continue offering our 2025 meetings without charge.  As before, you will need to be a current member to download the speaker handout which summarize the important lessons from the sessions and includes links to helpful genealogical resources.
  • Special Seminars - We will charge for several special seminars where we incur additional expenses but, in those cases, member fees will be significantly lower than those for non-members.  In particular, our special March seminar will feature Blaine Bettinger speaking in person on Artificial Intelligence. You'll need to be a current HGF member to register for this event at a the discounted price and to access the seminar handouts.
​Additional member benefits include:
  • The Genealogical RecordAccess to current and previous editions of our award-winning publication which now includes reviews of genealogy books and podcasts, a wide variety of articles, and news about recent developments in genealogy all in a new format.  
  • Members Present Meetings - The HGF membership includes many talented genealogists with expertise in diverse areas of genealogy research.  In these meetings, several of our genealogists will explain their techniques and illustrate them with insightful case studies.
  • Special Interest Groups (SIGS) and Projects - such as our Genealogy Roundtable for more deeply exploring areas of genealogy research and new research methods and the Genealogy Merit Badge Project for local Scout Troups.
As a reminder, HGF has changed from calendar year membership to one based on your membership anniversary, e.g. if you joined HGF in March of last year, your membership will expire at the end of March this year.  Memberships for those of you who joined prior to 2024 will have your membership expire at the end of December.  You'll know its time to renew your membership when you log onto the HGF website and find a red box at the top giving instructions for renewing your membership or you could mark your calendar.

The Genealogical Record Wins TxSGS Award

The Texas State Genealogy Society Awards
 The Genealogical Record
First Place for Official Periodicals of Partner Societies / Journals

At its annual awards ceremony in November, the Texas State Genealogical Society (TxSGS) awarded HGF's own The Genealogical Record First Place in the Official Periodicals of Partner Societies/ Journals category. This award recognized the great work done by the TGR editor Cynthia Chappell, the Editorial Committee including Doug Greenhill, Conan Peisen, and Barbara Richards and all the talented HGF members who contributed articles to the Record.  Please congratulate them if you see them the December meeting.

The current issue of the Record is available to everyone by clicking on The Genealogical Record, Fall, 2024.
Note that previous editions of The Genealogical Record are available to HGF members by logging onto the website and clicking on Member Resources, then The Genealogical Record.

Subscribe to HGF Meeting Notices

Email notices of upcoming HGF monthly meetings, seminars, and SIG meetings are sent out twice monthly.  If you're not receving these notices and would like to, please click on subscribe HGF notices and complete the short form.   You don't have to be an HGF member to receive the meeting notices.

Upcoming Events
March 1
10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Artificial Intelligence for Genealogists with Blaine Bettinger
Online and Annex Bayland Community Center 6400 Bissonnet St Houston, TX 77074   Every day we read that Artificial Intelligence is making big changes ...

April 5
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
HGF Members Present: DNA with David Williams
Online and Carriage House Clayton Library Campus 5300 Caroline St. Houston, TX 77004   HGF has a special traditon of dedicating one of its ...

May 3
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
FamilySearch – What’s New for Your Genealogical Success with Emily Richardson
Online and Carriage House Clayton Library Campus 5300 Caroline St. Houston, TX 77004   FamilySearch continues to evolve in the way you can search ...